The idea for strange gardens had taken hold, and now to make it happen. It was a tumultuous year, and not a lot went as planned, but this was Strange Gardens unofficial first year
The camp grew and shrunk and grew and shrunk, but the people who ended up settling in were the best. Meeting one of the backbones of the camp in person for the first time during build week, Paul and his on travelmate Tom endured what can only be described as a really messed up build week under the auspices of another camp/ I was right there with them, and when we kicked out early on Saturday to finally start setting up our own camp, we all breathed sighs of relief. This is when things started getting good.
My playa experince started with key camp member ticket miscommunication, the kitchen truck engine exploding, waiting 3 hours at the gate DESPITE it being after midnight Tuesday of build week and there being only three cars in front of me, and getting pulled over and getting k9ed within 10 minutes of arriving on the playa. Cap this off with a week supporting another camps build which I can only describe as "trying" and things this yestarted with me waiting at the gate 3 hours despite there being only 2 cars in front of me, and then immediately getting pulled over and K9ed at 3 am tuesday morning of build week after being awake more than 24 hours trying to get the massive amount of food I bought to the playa to feed french quarter after my kitchen trucks engine exploded 4 miles outside Reno, i
This year showed me the multitude of things that could go wrong and how things can still turn out great even when everything has gone to shit.